Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Twenty Five and Thankful

Happy 25th birthday to me!!! I have been very spoiled today and this past weekend by my sweet husband, my family, and my friends. While I spent my 25th birthday in the confines of the lovely law school building, I was surrounded by people I have come to love over the last 3 years, and I was inundated by loving and thoughtful voicemails, texts, and Facebook messages from family and friends around the country. I am very, very blessed. 24 was very good to me, so here's to another wonderful year!

I have seen a lot of posts this month talking about the things for which people are thankful and I wanted to write my own. I could go on for a very long time, but these are the things that are on my mind today:

1. My amazing, thoughtful, handsome, fun, and hardworking husband.

Our first picture at The Rock {2006}

July 25, 2009

2. My family- nuclear and extended, by blood and by marriage.

                                      Our (original) parents at our Rehearsal Dinner

                                                    Part of the Warenik Family

3. My girl friends whose emails and texts make me smile so much, and who I know I can always count on for a laugh, a hug, an adult beverage, and LOTS of good gossip.

                                Pawleys Island, 2008

My Bachelorette Weekend, 2009

4. My health and that of my family. I am thankful for this all the time, but especially this time of year when I cannot afford to be sick during exams. I am consistently reminded not to take this for granted, and I pray all the time for the health of those I love!

5. Brackett. He is the most precious thing in the world and is such a light in our lives. He is always happy to see us, always making us smile, and, while he is still very much a puppy who enjoys mischief, he is wonderful. I am so glad that he is ours!

6. Our warm, comfortable apartment which I adore and have loved making into our home. I have rekindled my love for decorating and have spent many, many hours fabic shopping and planning. And the fact that it is free. An amazing blessing all around.

                                                My dream office. LOVE.

7. Law School. Yes, I am thankful for law school {most days} because I love it. It simultaneously challenges and annoys me, has taught me so much more than just the law, and I am so thankful that I am able to be a law student. Not to mention the friends I have made and the times we have shared together.

8. The fact that this is my next-to-last semester of school. {See above re: annoying}.

9. God. I have been on a roller coaster these last few years {see #7} and would have struggled so much without prayer and the Lord's guidance. We have found a church home that we love here in Columbia and I cannot wait to join in the spring!

10. Music. Not sure what to say about this except that I cannot imagine life without it. Wouldn't that be so sad? Music can change my mood, make me cry, and transport me back to different points in my life. I know of nothing else that can do that. 

I could keep going on for a very long time but my books are calling. Happy Thanksgiving!

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